Coulwood Pool Renovation

Keeping Coulwood Cool at the Pool since 1962.

Our pool has been serving our neighborhood for over 60 years! This year we are taking on a major renovation project to keep our pool for future generations to enjoy. We need your help with this huge undertaking. We are raising funds to help pay for this project. 23 Coulwood Champions donated $1000 dollars each to help kick start this project. We are honoring them with a tile placed on our new entrance way to the pool house. We are offering tiles and bricks for families to show their support of this endeavor.

This site automatically keeps track of our orders. If you choose to pay by check, please contact us as soon as possible to submit your donation.

How to Order:

Just follow the simple step-by-step process below to place your order. Be sure you are happy with your brick design as it will look very similar to the image on your computer when completed.

Payment Options:

Pay online with a major credit card (VISA/MC/AMEX/DISC).
Pay by check or money order.
Follow the on-screen directions during checkout.

If you have any questions, please contact
Joanne Baker at 320-701-1492 /

Design and Personalize Your Brick